Welcome to the European Suzuki Viola Gathering 2024
Friday 15 November - Sunday 17 November 2024
'De Beukenhof', Biezenmortel, The Netherlands
Address: Capucijnenstraat 46, 5074 PJ Biezenmortel, The Netherlands
ESVG, the European Suzuki Viola Gathering, is a wonderful opportunity for Suzuki Violists and others who would like to know more about what is happening in the Suzuki Viola community to meet, to play music, to discuss, to teach and to learn, all in the spirit of celebrating our mutual love for the viola in a welcoming, non-competitive environment.
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What is ESVG
ESVG is a biennial event which brings together people interested and active in Suzuki viola. ESVG attracts teachers, children, parents, and interested observers from Europe and beyond. ESVG is a weekend event from Friday afternoon (+/- 16:30) to Sunday afternoon (+/- 14:00).
ESVG is oriented towards community building, exploring ways to strengthen the viola in individual Suzuki studios, and to increase Suzuki Viola visibility within the larger European Suzuki community and beyond.
ESVG gatherings share many things in common with a typical weekend Suzuki workshop, but have other aspects that are uniquely "viola". ESVG events take a less formal approach than many other traditional Suzuki workshops. The concept of a 'gathering' creates a special atmosphere of equality, helpfulness and mutual respect. These qualities resonate perfectly with the relaxed, tolerant and inclusive group of people who make up the viola community.
ESVG attendees pay a modest workshop fee to cover operating costs. There are no paid faculty members; rather, many Suzuki viola teachers give their time to lead classes, direct ensembles, and give seminars. All attendees pay their own travel and accommodation costs.
Location & Shuttle Service
The ESVG 2024 will take place at De Beukenhof, a former Capucin monastery in the village of Biezenmortel, The Netherlands.
Address: Capucijnenstraat 46, 5074 PJ Biezenmortel, The Netherlands.
De Beukenhof will provide reasonably priced en-suite group accommodation, including all meals, for all ESVG 2024 attendees. A meals-only package will also be available for those who live locally. We recommend to bring some snacks with you, since there is no supermarket in the direct surroundings of De Beukenhof.
For our participants who travel by plane or train, we will provide a shuttle service between both Eindhoven Airport and the train station in 's-Hertogenbosch, and De Beukenhof before and after the event.
For those flying into Amsterdam, trains run from the station in Schiphol Airport to 's-Hertogenbosch four times per hour, taking approximately 65 minutes. You may then take the shuttle service from 's-Hertogenbosch to De Beukenhof. You can check your travel plan on: https://www.ns.nl/en
Reservations for the shuttle service should be made on the registration form.
Shuttle Timings:
Here you can see the shuttle times for Friday 15 November.
- In case your flight arrives on Eindhoven Airport after 13:45, you can easily travel by Bus 400 to Eindhoven Central Station and take the train to 's-Hertogenbosch Central Station to catch a later shuttle.
- If your flight is scheduled to arrive at the late afternoon on Eindhoven Airport, please send us an e-mail so we can try to arrange a late pick-up by a volunteer.
- There will be a host traveling on the shuttles with a list of names, we will make sure everybody is on the bus before we leave.
On Sunday 17 November the shuttle busses to both 's-Hertogenbosch and Eindhoven Airport will depart at 14:15 and will take you to both locations in about 30-40 minutes.

While waiting...
At both Eindhoven Airport and 's-Hertogenbosch there are several places to get a nice cup of coffee and a snack. There is also a small supermarket to get some groceries. When you have a long time to wait in 's-Hertogenbosch, we recommend to go for a walk and do some sight-seeing!

More information about the accomodation on the website of De Beukenhof: https://www.denieuweklasse.com/beukenhof/accommodaties

ESVG 2024 fees
Registration Fees
First parent/guardian in family €50,00Second and subsequent parent(s)/ guardians Free
Suzuki Teacher or Observer €65,00
First Suzuki Viola Student in family €85,00
Second/subsequent Suzuki Viola Student €75,00
Sibling aged 4 and older €10,00
Sibling aged 3 and younger Free
Accommodation fees
Adults and children 8 years and older. Two nights full board* €155,00Supplement for single room (adults 18+ only - limited number available €80,00
Children under 8 years old. Two nights full board* €110,00
Adults and children 8 years and older. Meals only** €90,00
Children under 8 years old. Meals only** €67,00

ESVG 2024 overview
ESVG 2024 will include:
- Viola group classes for Suzuki viola students at all levels. A review list of Suzuki repertoire to be used in the group classes will be distributed before the Gathering.
- All Suzuki violists who attend will have many opportunities to participate in sessions that correspond with their level of experience.
- Viola ensemble classes at various levels, including an ensemble for non-readers, "meet the viola" classes for beginning players, and "viola for violinists" classes. We encourage anyone who owns a viola or can borrow one to bring it and play during the weekend. Rental violas are available for a modest fee.
- Seminars, given by Suzuki teachers, which are open to all interested attendees.
- We plan to have demonstrations by a viola-maker and a bow maker, as well as other booths of interest to Suzuki violists.
- Saturday evening viola recital. In accordance with an established ESVG tradition, this recital will feature fine, local artists.
- Meetings and discussions among teachers and parents, with lots of informal discussion, opportunities to meet other violists, community building…
ESVG 2024 repertoire list

Organisation & Contact
Musical directors: Joanne Martin (FR/CA) & Juan Drown (UK)
Administrative directors: Peter King (FR/CA) & Mona Kodama (UK)
Local organisation: Laura Keuzenkamp (NL)
Contact: esvg2024@gmail.com
ESVG History
The first discussions about holding an ESA event dedicated to violists and the viola took place during the ESA Teachers' Conference held in Cambridge in September 2010. Concrete plans for a viola Gathering were discussed over dinner by a group of viola teachers at the European Suzuki Convention in Davos in July 2015. In March 2016, the ESA Board graciously gave its permission to use the name "Suzuki" in the title.
To date, three European Suzuki Viola Gatherings have taken place:
- ESVG 2017 in Watford, UK, February 2017. The first viola gathering, ESVG 2017, attracted 235 attendees. After a very intense and educational weekend, more than 180 violists played in the final concert.
- ESVG 2019 in El Escorial, Spain, February 2019. The second gathering, ESVG 2019, was held in the beautiful town of El Escorial near Madrid, and attracted over 280 participants.
- ESVG 2022 in Oostende, Belgium, October 2022. The third viola gathering, ESVG 2022, was held in Oostende, Belgium in a beautiful hotel and conference centre by the sea. It was a delight to be able to meet together again after the difficulties of the pandemic.
ESVG has attracted participants from 16 ESA country Associations. In addition, ESVG welcomes participants from all other Suzuki regions, and has attracted violists from Canada, USA, Hong Kong and Japan.
Given the large and enthusiastic attendance at these first three Gatherings, it seems certain that ESVG will continue long into the future.